Hi there and thank you for wanting to join my first blog.
However there ARE rules please follow [or Else...]
1. No cursing, No swearing Come on people use your good words.
2 Don't argue! Peace people!
3 Don't advertise till you've joined.
3 Don't advertise till you've joined.
4Be active! It is no fun waiting for someone to comoment for a week. Thats why please comment 2 times a week. Or have a good excuse.
5When you come on please say hi, or yo or something that tells us you are here.
6 Please make 2 people
This blog is about a school for half humans meaning you can be anything that is half human. And if you want to be something different that is not typed yet please tell us a bit about yourself. Just type what it is. And we get to have pets too like dogs! Or they can be magic hehehe!!! Here I'll show you what I mean.
Ex. 1 Person
Vampires are half humans that are slightly stronger and faster then humans. they are unnaturally beautiful and graceful. Some vampires have a small power that they bring from their past life. That is to say a fit and very strong human if bitten can have twice the power of a normal vampire, a human that was great at knowing when someone was lying if bitten can have the power of knowing immediay if someone is lying no matter how good of a lier.
Yes tell me about yourself ?[Description,optional but include personality:]A girl frozen forever at the age of 16. She has lushes brown hair and chocolate eyes.Midnight is a confident, brave, outgoing , funny ,clever and never leaves a problem unsolved. Midnight was going home from the theatre one day. When a stranger attacked her. Her father helped her through this "challenge" in life as he put it. Because her father is old, and stays in bed most days. She is the one usherly making the choices for the school.
Who are you? [Name:] Midnight Alexander
What are you? [What spices are you:]Vampier
Yes tell me about yourself ?[Description,optional but include personality:]A girl frozen forever at the age of 16. She has lushes brown hair and chocolate eyes.
Ah now I need a picture link [ picture link :]idma] Something
What sort of room do you want?[Room Picture]:Somthing
What sort of room do you want?[Room Picture]:Somthing
Ex. 2 Pet
Fire Lizards
Fire Lizards are minuter dragons about the size of a your forearm. Fire Lizards come in 5 different colours and sizes the biggest is the Queen [females] a golden colour she is the only Fire Lizard that can lay eggs. The 2nd biggest is the Bronzes [males] They are the only Fire Lizards who can mate with the Queen. Then comes the Browns [males] they are the most under standing. Then the Greens [females] they chatter the most. Then last the Blues [male] they are the sweeties. Fire Lizards can not breath fire, but they can telerport anywhere they had seen before. To get an Fire Lizards you have to impressed it from the egg. When you have impressed an Fire Lizard they share half your mind you know what its feeling, and if you die your Fire Lizard will die too.
What is your pets name? [Name:]Sun
What sort of pet is that? [What are you:]A Queen Fire Lizard
Yes tell me about it ?[Description ,optional but include personality:]Sun is loving and Brave. Midnight tought Sun to sing! Sun is a sunshine gold.
Ah now I need a picture link [ picture link :] Something
Great now thats done your turn!
Who are you? [Name:]
What are you? [What spices are you:]
Yes tell me about yourself ?[Description,optional but include personality:]
Ah now I need a picture link [ picture link :]
What sort of room do you want?[Room Picture]:
What sort of room do you want?[Room Picture]:
Please Keep your Pet info to 4 sentences
What is your pets name? [Name:]
What sort of pet is that? [What are you:]
Yes tell me about it ?[Description ,optional but include personality:]
Ah now I need a picture link [ picture link :]
Who are you: Eáránë Amandil
ReplyDeleteWhat are you: Half-human, half-elf
Yes tell me about yourself: Eáránë is a 14-year-old human-sized half-elf, half-human girl. She is feisty and spunky, and she's sometimes hard to get along with. She loves to party and play, meaning she'll do anything to get out of work. Her closet relationship is with Logan, her best friend.
Picture link: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.eanext.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-o-matic/cache/f587e_Long%2BBrown%2BEmo%2BHair.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.eanext.com/hairstyles/category/emo-hairstyles&usg=__E_1QS2bvvrD5gBF9_-oo0rR51hw=&h=400&w=300&sz=24&hl=en&start=0&sig2=x8Tw_CW8flJk4sZ_dqVC3A&zoom=1&tbnid=iFn871qZIJ4PsM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=113&ei=SMrPTfLxB8mbtwfLoYXpDQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dbrown%2Bscene%2Bhair%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D667%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=391&vpy=97&dur=987&hovh=259&hovw=194&tx=103&ty=116&page=1&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0
What sort of room do you want: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://furnitureandesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/collection-2010_by_maison_de_vacances_11.jpg&imgrefurl=http://furnitureandesign.com/other/textile/rock-and-love-by-maison-de-vacances/&usg=__jmOITIPnLfu2ZFU-kb_55DGf7Uk=&h=428&w=530&sz=184&hl=en&start=36&sig2=BEDmEZQKaLB6uCpfwN3KSQ&zoom=1&tbnid=TRGNWT5WaXmWZM:&tbnh=162&tbnw=193&ei=g9fPTc2UFZKltweKoOX2DQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Ddark%2Bpurple%2Bbedroom%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D667%26tbm%3Disch0%2C1412&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=141&vpy=116&dur=715&hovh=202&hovw=250&tx=157&ty=124&page=3&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:36&biw=1366&bih=667
What is your pet's name: Calliver
What sort of pet is that: Raven
Tell me about it: Calliver is loyal and caring, and would do anything to defend Eáránë.
Picture link:http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://spokenink.com/images/audios/Edgar_Allan_Poe_Raven.gif&imgrefurl=http://spokenink.com/Download%2BStory/The%2BRaven/Edgar%2BAllan%2BPoe/library/1/%3Fid%3D679%26scat%3D70%26ab%3D679&usg=__d_Zs5OCuB-NTxs1t2rIYvPd5oWE=&h=317&w=375&sz=71&hl=en&start=0&sig2=gbJNtKcU1ez9DnoyjvUyng&zoom=1&tbnid=o008cGy_Ri60rM:&tbnh=152&tbnw=165&ei=K9XPTYDzK4O3tgfL7e3nDQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Draven%2Bpoe%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D667%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=567&vpy=124&dur=971&hovh=206&hovw=244&tx=109&ty=109&page=1&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0
Added =] You are the first person to join here!
ReplyDeleteWho are you? Jayda
ReplyDeleteWhat are you? Half-human, half-fairy
Yes tell me about yourself: Jayda is a human-sized half-fairy with red hair and green eyes. She is hotheaded and independent, but loyal, loving and caring. She will do anything for those she trusts.
Ah now I need a picture link: http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/639016/639016,1285462077,1/stock-photo-beautiful-redhead-teen-with-dreamy-romantic-look-61688713.jpg
What sort of room do you want? http://sofabeds-furniture.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Cheerful-Girls-Dorm-Room-Design-in-Red-Colour-by-IKEA.jpg
What is your pets name? Grenade
What sort of pet is that? A small firebird
Yes tell me about it: A flame-colored bird with piercing black eyes, Grenade thinks that he is very large and mighty when he is really a very small bird. He can be aggressive and only trusts Jayda.
Picture link: http://philip.greenspun.com/cr/arenal-red-bird.jpg
Who are you? Kyle
What are you? Half-human, half-vampire
Yes tell me about yourself: Kyle is a handsome half-vampire with a fun and outgoing personality. From exactly 11:45 to 12:15 PM he has the urge to drink blood, but for the rest of the time he eats usual human food.
Ah now I need a picture link: http://data.whicdn.com/images/1024407/teen26_thumb.jpg?1258843184
What sort of room do you want? http://homesickdesigns.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Modern-Dorm-room-design-idea-from-Corazzin.jpg
What is your pets name? Moon
What sort of pet is that? A bat
Yes tell me about it: Moon is an aggressive and distrustful bat. It took Kyle years to train him.
Picture link: http://ucsantacruz.ucnrs.org/wp-admin/images/researchpics/YLRMammals/Townsend%27s_Big-eared_Bat_Plecotus_townsendii.jpg
Who are you: Lilium Lashiv
ReplyDeleteWhat are you: Half-human, half-zombie
Yes tell me about yourself: Lilium is a tall girl with long dark brown hair and piercing black eyes. She is cold and distant, and doesn't like to socialize with people. A lot of people are scared of her. Lilium has very good grades in every subject, and spends most of her time studying. She is most active at night.
Picture link: http://www.sellcosplay.com/images/school-uniform-skirts.jpg
What sort of room do you want: http://www.digsdigs.com/photos/black-exterior-japanese-house-design-6.jpg
What is your pet's name: Baka
What sort of pet is that: Lemming
Tell me about it: Baka likes to jump of cliffs, true to his lemming nature, but he will never die.
Picture link: http://www.icenews.is/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/lemming.jpg
Who are you? [Name:] Damon Mitchell
ReplyDeleteWhat are you? [What spieces are you:] Vampire-Werewolf Hybrid
Yes tell me about yourself ?[Description,optional but include personality:] Handsome, tall brown haired 16 year old boy with dark brown eyes. He is mysterious, and doesn't give much of an awnser. He is also fearless and brave. Curioustity always seems to get the better of him though at times he sticks to the shadows and is often seen going into the forest and not coming out for a day or two. He is a werewolf-vampire hybrid but no oone knows but him. Even his adopted sister. Everyone else thinks he is just a vampire. His adopted sister is Caroline.
Ah now I need a picture link [ picture link :] http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_EGGBWWszhyo/TK15W7PDJDI/AAAAAAAABMQ/tpE2un8EGzk/s1600/steven-r-mcqueen.jpg
What sort of room do you want?[Room Picture]:http://myhomed.com/wp-content/uploads/2010-01-black-bedroom-furniture-alux-by-elite-550x327.jpg
Who are you? [Name:] Caroline Night
What are you? [What spieces are you:] Vampire
Yes tell me about yourself ?[Description,optional but include personality:] Pretty dark haired 16 year old brunette with light amber eyes. They often change color to darker or lighter shades of brown. She is cunning, strong-spirited, caring, and loyal. She doesn't like to show her true self often and is often arguing or making sharp retorts with others, that is because her parents were killed by vampire hunters and her real brother was killed by a werewolf. She despises werewolves. She loves to be in the forest and is often found thinking by herself. Her adopted brother is Damon.
Ah now I need a picture link [ picture link :] http://www3.images.coolspotters.com/wallpapers/29788/elena-gilbert-mobile-wallpaper.jpg
What sort of room do you want?[Room Picture]:
Who are you? Aria Summers
ReplyDeleteWhat are you? Half Mage (I'll explain a bit about us in a sec:3)
Tell me about yourself?A slender, beautiful--though she doesn't know it--girl with very long, thick blonde hair and eyes the color of the sparkling sea. She's definitely not your average girl. She independent, spunky, and doesn't care what ANYONE thinks of her. She loves to read and lose herself between the pages.
Ah now I need a picture link [ picture link :]
What sort of room do you want?http://www.housevira.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/cool-teen-rooms.jpg
What is your pets name? Veratis
What sort of pet is that? Fire Lizard
Yes tell me about her? Only just hatched by Aria, they are already close friends. Veratis has yet to leave Aria's side even once, because she's extremely protective. Nothing is going to break them apart.
Ah now I need a picture link: http://thedragonsliveon.webs.com/photos/Baby-Dragons/BabyDragon.jpg
Who are you? Arin Summers
What are you? Half Mage
Yes tell me about yourself: Slender and beautiful with long, thick blond hair and eyes the color of the shimmering sea, she is a spitting image of her sister---but that doesn't mean she's not her own person. All she wants is for people to look at her for her, to not see Aria. She's known for her spontaneous actions, outrageous ideas, and those stretches of time when she is pure crazy and hyper. Arin also refuses to change for anybody. She stands up for what she thinks is right. No matter what the consequences are, she's gonna do what she feels like doing. I guess you could say she's very, very stubborn!!!
Ah now I need a picture link: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BcJj9a22Vos/TfbZBkwyNqI/AAAAAAAAATk/u-z-lVDvZLU/s1600/439
What sort of room do you want?[Room Picture]:
What is your pets name? Faolan
What sort of pet is that? Mistwolf (Gonna tell you about them too XD)
Yes tell me about him? Faolan and Arin are attached at the hip; wherever she is, he follows. Not even a year old yet, Faolan is almost the size of a full-grown wolf. Whatever Arin feels, he tends to feel, too, but intensified. Without a Faolan, there can be no Arin. They can't live without each other.
Ah now I need a picture link: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-q5g4ofq-lXo/Tfj_FLk1nzI/AAAAAAAAAVU/DXjusKhwqh4/s1600/838f3a6f35e8131dfd36.jpg
Mages are humans that have the ability to use magic and bond with animals, but in order for the mage to do these things, they must possess a magic jewel. A magic jewel cannot be handmade, but must be found by its True Mage. It's magic is strongest with it's True Mage. It's very rare to come across one mage, because there are not very many left. It's said twins can feed off each others powers, and double the strength and power of their magic.
Mistwolves are magical wolves with great power and sworn protectors of good. All mistwolves behold the power of Shapeshifting thier bodies into a magical mist, which they can surround others to magically hide them. They can communicate telepathically, and some are born as magic trackers; whether or not they can be born with other magical talents is up for debate.